School Life
What are your school hours like?
Students are to be in school by 7.50 a.m. Flag raising begins at 8 a.m.
How late are students expected to stay in school each day?
This depends on whether your child is schedule for CCAs or additional learning programmes. Should your child be required to stay in school beyond the dismassal time indicated in his or her timetable, you will be informed by the school in advance.
The school opens at 6.45 a.m and closes at 6 p.m.
What are the various CCAs offered in the school?
We have 18 CCAs in total which include sports, Uniformed Groups (UGs), Performaing Arts (Pas) as well as Clubs and Societies.
For instance, we have football, table tennis, basketball and badminton for boys; and
netball and floorball for girls. We also have UGs like NPCC, Red Cross Youth, Boys’
Brigade, Girls’ Brigade and Girls Guides, and PAs like our Guzheng Ensemble, Concert
Band, Dance Club and Choral Ensemble (Choir). Our Clubs and Societies, such as the
Media Club, Robotics Club and Language Arts CLub are also popular with our students.
What subject combinations does your school offer to Secondary 3 pupils? Does your school offer Pure Science?
In addition to the core subjects of Languages and Math, we also offer a range of electives such as History, Geography and Literature in English for Combined Humanities; and Physics, Chemistry and Biology for Combined Sciences. Also, we offer subjects like Principles of Accounts, Food and Nutrition, and Design and Technology. Students may choose to offer up to 6 or 7 subjects, depending on their level of readiness and their performance in Secondary 2.
From year to year, the subject combinations eventually offered, including Pure Sciences and Pure Humanities, may vary depending on the students’ preferences, their aptitude to do well in these subjects, as well as the school’s available teaching resources.
Special Programmes
What is your Applied Learning Programme (ALP)?
In line with our vision of nuturing SGSians as ‘Learning with Grit, Leaders with Heart’, our Applied Learning Programme (ALP), entitled “Researching Society through Media Literacy” focuses on equipping our students with necessary media communication skills to think critically and deeply about society issues. Over the three-year programme, students progressivelly hone compeyencies such as media literacy, critical thinking and media creations skills to facilitate their research and present their findings.
Through the ALP, our students grow in confidence as they learn to manage an Independent project, effectively work with others and present their research through Different mediums. At the end of the project, there is the ALP Celebrations, where students share their research and solutions to societal issues with the SGSians family.
Will there be opportunities for my child to develop leadership skills? What is your Learning for Life Programme (LLP)?
All students have the opportunity to undergo leadership skills development in SGS, under our ‘Learning for Life Programme’ to grow as ‘Confident and Compassionate Leaders’. Through our LLP, students are equipped with skills to lead themselves, work with peers and lead others, through customized level-wide leadership programmes. As part of our inclusive approach for student leadership development, all students have the opportunity to serve as a students-leader at the class, CCA or school level through the SGS Leadership by Choice platform. Selected students leaders will also embark on an overseas expedition to further broaden their horizons while increasing their capacity to lead.
Are there other signature programmes offered?
Our school’s Level Signature Programmes (LSPs) aim to enhance our students’ social And emotional competencies and deepen their 21st Century Competencies through authentic experiential Learning. Over the course of three to four days, all levels of students are engaged in specially curated and customized activities such as overseas learning trips, outdoor and adventure camp, healthy lifestyle lessons and sessions on education and career guidance for our graduating cohort, who get to visit the Polytechnics and various industries. Over the past years, our Secondary Two students, for example have the opportunity to visit Penang and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. For many of them, the highlight of these trips is the opportunity to meet their peers from the local schools.