Safety in the Science Laboratories
- Enter or work in the laboratory ONLY when a teacher is present.
- Laboratory preparation rooms are out of bounds to all students.
- Always work quietly and thoughtfully. Remember at all times that the laboratory is a place for serious work. No running around or playing is allowed in the laboratory. Practical jokes and other acts of carelessness are strictly prohibited.
- No drinking or eating is allowed in the laboratory.
- Girls with long hair are required to tie up their hair to avoid any interference with laboratory work.
- Students should pay attention to the instructions for an experiment and seek clarification from the teacher if any instruction(s) is/are not thoroughly understood. Students should not proceed with an experiment if in doubt. Unauthorised experiments are prohibited.
- Always check that the label on the container is exactly the same as the chemical required. Unlabelled chemicals should not be used. Report to the teacher immediately if any unlabelled chemicals or containers are found.
- Bottles of chemicals should be carried with care. Chemicals or other materials must never be tasted unless specifically directed by the teacher. Never use flammable chemicals or liquids near a flame.
- Should a chemical be taken accidentally into the mouth, or come into contact with the skin or clothing, wash it with plenty of water immediately.
- Chemicals, once removed from bottles, should not be put back into the bottles unless instructed to do so by the teacher. Used liquid chemicals should be poured into the sink. They should then be flushed with plenty of water.
- Chemical and biological wastes must be disposed appropriately.
- Damaged equipment, breakages, injuries, accidents and spillage should be reported immediately to the teacher.
- A sturdy container should be used for disposal of sharp objects (such as needles, razors or pins). These objects should not be discarded in waste-bins or trash bags.
- Always carry out reactions involving poisonous gases in the fume cupboard.
- Safety goggles must be worn whenever there is any risk of injury to the eyes.
- Pipetting should always be carried out using a pipette aid and never by mouth.
- Protective gloves and clothing must be worn when handling hazardous materials.
- Hands must always be thoroughly washed before leaving the laboratory,
- Never use cracked or broken glassware or faulty equipment.
- Always keep the floor dry and clear of any unnecessary obstacles such as stools and bins.
- Tempering with the electrical mains or sockets in the laboratory is strictly prohibited.
- Chemicals and apparatus should be returned to their proper places after use. No apparatus or chemicals are to be taken out of the laboratory without the teacher’s permission.
- Always keep your work bench tidy and your apparatus clean.