School Rules
The School Rules serve to guide and encourage positive behaviour, which is integral to fostering a caring, safe and fair environment where learning can take place.
Rules and consequences are communicated to students so that they are clear of the expectations of the school and the consequences should they fall short of these expectations. The table of offences and their corresponding consequences can be found here.
The SGS community believes in holistic education centred on values and character development. Through a culture of care and mutual respect, we nurture our students into Learners with Grit and Leaders with Heart. Using daily routines and teachable moments, we cultivate our students’ social and emotional competencies, and inculcate the school values of PRIDE: Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Diligence, and Empathy.
SGS adopts Restorative Practices (RP) to proactively build relationships and a sense of community to prevent conflict and wrong-doing. RP is characterised by high control (limit-setting, discipline) and high support (encourage, nurture) processes, and is rooted in the values of Responsibility, Respect, Compassion, Support, Restoring, Trust and Restitution. In addressing actions that do not respect the rules, we are able to tap on the established relationships to foster cooperative behaviour, thus minimising the need for punitive measures. In addition to facilitating the inculcation of values and social and emotional competencies, we believe that RP will help develop students who are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes in their behaviour.
First Impressions Count
1. Attire
1.1 School Uniform and Name-tag
I must wear the prescribed school uniform, and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
I will wear my first school uniform with pride, whether I am within or outside the school premises. My name-tag will be sewn neatly on my uniform. Closed cardigans will not be worn as part of the school uniform.
On Fridays, I may wear my second uniform (ie: PE/CCA T-shirt with my school skirt/shorts/long pants). During PE lessons or physical activities, I will wear my PE attire.
During school and national examinations, I will wear my first school uniform.

1.2 Footwear
I will wear all white or all black socks that cover my ankles fully.
I will wear either all white or all black canvas school shoes, or sports shoes that are white, black, grey, blue, or a combination of these colours. Neon colours on any part of the shoes or shoes with fanciful logos or designs are not to be worn.
In the event of a foot injury, I may obtain permission from the Student Management Committee to wear slippers or sandals to school.

2. Grooming
2.1 For the Gentlemen
I must be neat in appearance and clean shaven.
I will have my hair short, neat and simple. The fringe should not touch the top of my eyebrows.
2.2 For the Ladies
If I have shoulder-length hair or hair touching the collar, I will tie my hair up neatly at all times. Long fringe that are past the eyebrows will be clipped away neatly.
Hair accessories should be black or blue in colour. I will wear at most one pair of simple ear studs. Ear rings or additional pairs of ear studs will be confiscated for the rest of the term.
2.3 For all students
I will not colour or tint my hair.
I will keep my fingernails clean and trimmed, without nail polish.
I will not wear any other accessories.
No form of body decoration (e.g. tattoos) is allowed.

3. Attendance and Punctuality
I will attend school regularly and punctually. I understand that daily attendance in school during term time is compulsory as it supports learning.
I will be in school by 7.50 am, seated with my class at the classroom, school hall or parade square for the flag-raising ceremony at 7.55 am.
I understand that if I am not present during the flag-raising ceremony, I will be considered late or absent from school.
Absence from school must be substantiated by a medical certificate. The medical certificate must be submitted to my Form Teacher when I return to school the next day. I understand that if I am absent without a valid reason, I will face consequences.
Letters from parents/legal guardians may be considered in cases where medical certificates are not applicable. This does not apply during examinations.
I will attend lessons, CCA and other school activities punctually.
Respect for Nation and School
4 Flag Raising Ceremony
I will stand at attention when the National Anthem is sung and the Pledge is recited.
If I am a Singapore citizen, I will sing the National Anthem and recite the Pledge with my right fist placed over my heart.
I will sing the school song and recite the Students’ Creed with respect and pride.
Golden Rules for a Pleasant School Experience
5 Behaviour and Conduct
I will uphold and protect the school image by carrying myself with respect, pride and dignity at all times, whether I am within or outside the school premises.
I respect myself and my peers. I will not do anything which may cause others to feel physically or emotionally unsafe. Bullying is a serious offence that will not be tolerated by the school.
I will not bring prohibited items such as lighters, poker cards, any form of weapon or weapon-like items to school. Possession of such items is a serious offence.
I will not use any personal digital devices, including smartphones, during lessons unless explicit permission is given by the teacher. I will place my smartphone in the phone pouch installed in every classroom.
I may only use my learning devices or handphones at the canteen during recess/lunch breaks and after school.
I will not deface the interior and exterior of the locker, which is the property of the school. I will open my locker for inspection when requested by school staff.
I understand that if I do not comply with the regulations of using the lockers, I may not be able to continue using the lockers.
I will only consume food and drinks in the canteen during breaks. I may consume snacks in class during snack time, with the permission of my teacher.
I will be guided by the school values of PRIDE:
* Perseverance * Respect * Integrity * Diligence * Empathy all times.